Saffron Green Primary School

    1. News
    2. FAO: Year 6 - Residential PGL Trip Medication

    FAO: Year 6 - Residential PGL Trip Medication

    7 May 2024 (by Amy Salsbury (admin))

    Dear Parents/Guardians,

    I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you about the necessary procedures regarding medication for the upcoming Year 6 Residential Trip to PGL 2024.

    During the trip, the school will have paracetamol available for administering to pupils if deemed necessary for their well-being. In order for your child to receive paracetamol if needed, we require your consent. Please go to Arbor - Main Dasboard - Notices - Paracetamol Administration Year 6 PGL 2024 - Consent / decline, before Friday 15/05/2024 .

    Additionally, if your child requires any specific medications (e.g., prescribed medication or medication for travel sickness), please ensure that these are brought to the school office in their original packaging. A medication form must be filled out and signed by a parent or guardian. This form needs to be submitted to the school office no later than May 15, 2024.

    These measures are in place to ensure the safety and health of all students during our residential trip.

    If you have any questions or concerns regarding medication procedures or any other aspect of the trip, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

    Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

    Best regards,

    Mrs Harris
    Year 6 Teacher
    Deputy Headteacher