Saffron Green Primary School

  1. Classes
  2. Year 1

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1

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Welcome to Year 1

We have had a very exciting Autumn term in Year 1 learning lots of exciting new things, including all about our local area, looking at materials and their properties and how friendships work. 

We look forward to welcoming you back to start our Spring term and a whole new term of learning. 

Spring term


During spring term we will begin by looking at poetry and learn how to write our own list poems. We will then move onto narrative and look at story writing. 


In Maths this term we are going to continue working on our number composition to 10, as well as begin to look at problem solving using addition and subtraction. Year 1 will continue to practice our 2 times tables as well as learn our 10 times tables. 


Art: This term we will focus on 3D sculpture using paper. We will learn different techniques of folding and rolling paper to make the best towers and tubes. 

DT: We will look at puppets this term in DT, learning the different ways we can join materials. This will help us to make our own puppet. 

History: Our topic for History is 'How toys have changed'. During this topic we will explore and discuss our favourite toys and how these are made and played with as well as look at some toys from when our parents and grandparents were younger and how these are different. 

Geography: This term we will explore more about the UK as well as look at the seasons and weathers and compare these to other countries. 

Science: Our Science topic for this term is looking at the human body and exploring body parts and sense. 

PE: We will continue to work on our gymnastics to prepare for the gymnastics competition that is coming up.