Saffron Green Primary School

    1. News
    2. Year 1
    3. FAO: Whole School

    FAO: Whole School

    18 October 2023 (by Amy Salsbury (admin))

    We need your help to spread the news!

    We are very excited to be hosting our annual Open Days and Christmas Fair this year once again but we need your help! 

    We have some flyers in our front office and we would be extremely grateful for any families who are able to do some flyer posting to all the local houses. 

    If you walk home from school or plan any dog walks over the next few days and wouldn't mind posting some flyers along the way then come in and see Mrs Costa who will happily give you some flyers to hand out on your travels. 

    We really do appreciate you all and have seen such increased engagement in our school events this year, we are excited for that to continue and grow even further! 

    Thank you,

    Miss Salsbury