Saffron Green Primary School

    1. News
    2. Year 5
    3. Message to Year 5

    Message to Year 5

    4 October 2023 (by Amy Salsbury (admin))

    Dear Parents of year 5 children, 

    Today year 5 took part in an art activity that involved painting using powder paints. Unfortunately, the children did not wear aprons during this activity and many of children got powder paints over their school uniforms. 

    I would like to extend a personal apology on behalf of the class and offer our washing machine services to any parents who would like to bring in their labelled clothes tomorrow for us to clean. 

    Moving forward we will be ensuring that the children wear aprons and have clear boundaries around the use of resources prior to starting any activity. 

    Sincere apologies, 

    Miss Amy Salsbury