Saffron Green Primary School

    1. News
    2. Year 1
    3. FAO: Whole School

    FAO: Whole School

    14 June 2023 (by Amy Salsbury (admin))

    E-Safety Workshop

    Today all of the children at Saffron Green took part in a fantastic E-safety workshop delivered by two professionals known as 'The 2 Johns'. The workshops have been extremely insightful and have been delivered to each key stage at an age appropriate level. Your children may have some interesting information to share with you this evening and may also have some follow on questions. 

    Please do not forget that we are holding a parent workshop at 2:30-3:30pm today. This workshop will not only help facilitate any questions your child may come home with but will also support your understanding as a parent around the dangers of online use. 

    We hope to see you at 2:30pm!