Saffron Green Primary School

    1. News
    2. Year 4
    3. FAO: YR4 Multiplication Check

    FAO: YR4 Multiplication Check

    19 April 2023 (by Robyn Kerrry (Robyn Kerry))

    Good afternoon,

    Attached is the government information document about the Multiplication Check. I have also put this document on the YR4 page of the school website. As you know, Year 4 will be completing this statutory assessment in Summer 2. The assessment will take place between the 5th and 16th June.

    As always, please encourage your children to keep practicing their times tables using resources such as TT Rockstars. The children are expected to know all of their times tables, up to 12 x 12, and need to answer the questions within 6 seconds.

    On Monday 24th April at 3:30-4pm, I (Mrs Kerry) will be available in the YR4 classroom to answer any questions you may have. You can also reach her via the class email.

    Thank you again for your ongoing support. I am very proud of how hard the children have been working on learning their times tables and I’m sure you are too.